Experiment 3 – Idea

I think the Word MashUp deserves a little clarification, which is something that will enable me to better understand the direction my subsequent designs will take.

My intention with this design is to create a space that operates as a ‘bridge’ in a varied manner, enabling greater usage of the connected buildings and areas, improving pedestrian access into and around the Western side of the university  and repurposing underused spaces. But most importantly it must accomplish this whilst completing its designated role as a new building for students of the Architecture faculty.
This structure will act as a physical bridge, unifying the aforementioned areas, but ideally it will act as a bridge in a far more theoretical sense, bringing together the internal and external environments, and public and private spaces, creating a communal space for students to engage in learning and enjoy their time at university, whilst offering functionality that enables direct or indirect movement throughout the area. The space will ‘bridge’ the natural and built environments, offering a mixed use area with an emphasis on sustainability and the experience of a physical place, and how this can be affected. Finally, the structure will attempt to ‘bridge’ the disparity between geometric and organic forms by blending the two together in a manner that harmonises with the other prevailing themes of the design.

Experiment 3 – Word Mashup

Talking about how a place really lives, demonstrating that human and environmental health are inextricably linked and doing as little as possible to accomplish as much as possible. Overall the landscape demonstrates the importance of place and refined connectivity, how to connect the indoors and outdoors, and create a sustainable, mixed-use community court, how buildings meet the ground, a multi-functional education and meeting centre, to define the campus. The permeability of the design facilitates activities and contributes to the vitality of the place what one is going to see from a certain part of the building, the important intersection between the built and natural environments, demonstrating that human and environmental health are inextricably connected, learning that balance point. Demonstrate innovation and sustainability in its design and construction, to create a community hub, become a locus for learning, meditation, inspiration and reflection, devoted to introducing sustainable design innovation at the core of university life, creating places that need to be experienced over time, during the course of the day or the seasons.


The Home Front: The Art of Landscape Architecture

The 10 most sustainable Architecture Projects of 2016

Saint John Paul 2nd Building

Experiment 2 – ‘The Space Between’ – Final Submission

“Synthesis of opposing shapes and functions into unified forms”

Levete / Schindler

A Light Rail Station for UNSW.

scene14The Site

scene 8

This image demonstrates how the project has come together, as a synthesis of all elements into a unified whole. The site is integrated into its built and natural surroundings, serving the needs of commuters with minimal visual impact and an emphasis on lightness and natural elements throughout its design.

scene 2

The building attempts to unify the conflicting geometric and organic structural elements into a design that emphasises the natural and sustainable without undermining its functional purpose, enabling commuters to relax and engage with nature as they wait.


Structurally, I attempted to synthesise the monolithic elements of Schindlers architecture with the sculptural qualities of Levete’s, blending the dominant forms together throughout the building, emphasising the equal importance of the natural and artificial in the function of the site.

Selected Textures











SketchUp 3D Warehouse




Original Design



This is my original design, a synthesis the concepts for Amanda Levete (“Challenges disparity between perceived opposites”) and Rudolph Schindler (“Accessibility due to recognisable shapes”), exploring the interconnection of the two and their dominant design themes, and developing them into the concept of “Synthesis of opposing shapes and functions into unified forms.”

Original Design – Shaped

warped model

warped model 2


scene 1

scene 3

scene 4

scene 6

scene 9

scene 10
